Our Financial Budget image
NLM 2024 Food Budget
This budget is based on the 31 children we have in our care. We will endeavor to keep you up to date with the donations we have been blessed to receive in each category throughout the month.
2024 Current Projects Requiring Donations
Sept School Semester: We are raising funds for the Sept school semester (supplies, tuition and books) for our 31 children. Funds needed are in the amount of $1500. Please consider partnering with us by using the link below. As we are raising funds for 3 orphanages at this time, please indicate that your donation will be used for New Life Ministry, school supplies.

Special Funds
These are monies that would be of great blessing to the orphanage. Special funds include water treatment install, purchase of land for permanent housing, Ms Fatuma stipend (our caretaker) or other special projects we will keep you apprised of. If you would like to donate to these special funds, please indicate: “New Life Ministry” and the name of your special fund on your donation. Your gift will be allocated exactly where you request.